Comedy Club
C104 4100 Walnut StreetTerror Behind the Walls
McManus Student Lounge 4222 Walnut Street (Sub-floor)Bread Boot Camp (Community Education)
Kitchen #3For more information and to register for this workshop, please click here. Please visit our Community Education page to learn more about the programs we offer to the public. All of our classes are purchased online through the Community Education section of the College Store.
Introduction to Culinary Arts (Community Education)
Kitchen #4For more information and to register for this workshop, please click here. Please visit our Community Education page to learn more about the programs we offer to the public. All of our classes are purchased online through the Community Education section of the College Store.
A-Zone Tutoring Session
C102 4100 Walnut StreetGSAN Meeting
C102 4100 Walnut StreetWHC Careers Club Meeting
C102 4100 Walnut StreetKnife Skills (Community Education Class)
Kitchen #4For more information and to register for this workshop, please click here. Please visit our Community Education page to learn more about the programs we offer to the public. All of our classes are purchased online through the Community Education section of the College Store.