What is it like to have your associate degree?

By Carli Caroselli and Jasmine Harmon

Graduating with your associate degree is one of the best feelings in the world. I know that sounds cliché, but it’s absolutely true. All of those late nights in restaurant operations, early mornings in breakfast production, and countless hours in the kitchen finally came to fruition in the form of a degree. Seeing my name in that scrawling script on that fabled piece of paper made me feel amazing, but seeing the pride that my family felt during my graduation was absolutely priceless. I don’t think I have ever seen my dad smile as much as he did on that day. This only pushes me even further in the pursuit of my bachelor’s degree, because I received a glimpse of the pure elation and pride I would feel. This is a feeling I hope everyone has a chance to experience. I hope I never forget how truly happy I felt at that moment, and I cannot wait to feel that happiness again when I graduate with my bachelor’s degree!

-Carli Caroselli, Student Leader

Culinary Arts, Class of July 2019

I graduated with my Associate of Science in Restaurant Management on March 12, 2017. Graduating a year and a half after starting the program was a little weird at first since most of my high school friends who started college at the same time were just beginning to dive into their field of choice. However, it makes sense since Walnut Hill College enrolls its students in a fast-paced yet focused learning program. I learned so much in my first year and a half here at Walnut Hill College, from how to provide tangible and intangible service to guests to how to put together and run large luncheons for a hundred people with limited space and time.

Having an associate degree has opened so many doors to help better my life and career. That accomplishment has made my family proud. When I go to family reunions and catch up with relatives I haven’t seen in a while, I tell them a bunch of the stories from my time in college and there is always something that surprises them. Another benefit that having an associate degree has brought me is that I have been able to get in contact with employers from upscale establishments to start new jobs. In some cases, there could be many people applying for the same position, but just having the words “associate degree” on your résumé speeds up the process for you and your employer, and the chances of you getting into an establishment increase greatly. I decided to stay for the bachelor program and can’t wait to use what I’ve learned in both programs in my daily life and career!

-Jasmine Harmon, Student Leader

Restaurant Management, Class of July 2018

Let’s make some jam!

By Matthew Cowles, Rachel Bland, and David Brophy

From left to right: Rachel Bland, Matthew Cowles, and David Brophy

Many a time during the summer or some off time, we find ourselves looking for something to do. We tend to cook during our free time, experimenting with new recipes. So here is a little jam recipe that both Rachel and David have created during their class time that anyone can do themselves at home. The best part about cooking when you’re bored or have too much free time is that you get to eat it once you’re done!

At first, Rachel had made a strawberry, rhubarb, earl grey, and vanilla jam while in the Healthy Baking Club and absolutely loved it. Strawberry Rhubarb is always a great jam, but one of the fun things about cooking is getting to tweak a recipe and make it better, and once she did, she couldn’t get enough of it. So David and Rachel decided to do a variation of it by doing strawberry, vanilla, and earl grey for a project. The first time they made it, they thought the flavor was good, but it wasn’t perfect and decided to keep testing. After the testing and the changes were made, they were happy with the recipe that they have now. It is guaranteed to be great as a spread to go with cheese and bread or put into a yogurt parfait.

Jam recipe:

2 ½ cups fresh strawberries, cut into quarters

2 cups granulated sugar

1 cup water

2 tea bags of Earl Grey tea

1 vanilla bean, split, seeds removed

2-3 teaspoons fresh lemon juice

1 tablespoon pectin powder


  1. Combine sugar and water over low heat until sugar dissolves. Add the Earl Grey tea and let steep for 30 minutes.
  2. Remove the tea bags and add the strawberries and vanilla seeds and the bean. Cook over medium to high heat until a boil.
  3. Add the pectin powder and lemon juice.
  4. Cook until mixture goes over 214 degrees Fahrenheit.
  5. To check the consistency of your jam, put a tablespoon or so on a plate and place it in the refrigerator for a few minutes. Jam should be thick and sticky.
  6. If the jam is not done, let it boil for a few more minutes.
  7. Once the jam is done, put it into glass jars to cool. The jam can be held in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

This jam is an excellent recipe to get started with and can be used in so many ways with so many different recipe variations. You can also adjust all the ingredients to your flavor needs, so feel free to play around with it. This jam is an easy first recipe for people just getting into jam making or a great recipe for people who love making jams already.

Jam making is definitely a skill everyone should have. It is relaxing, fun, and a useful skill to have under your belt, and what better way to start out than with this delicious recipe?! This is the first jam I have ever taken part in making, and I was so pleased with the turnout (David Brophy). So enjoy, and don’t forget to share your finished product with a friend!

-Matthew Cowles, Student Leader

Culinary Arts, Class of July 2018

-Rachel Bland, Student Leader

Culinary Arts, Class of July 2019

-David Brophy

Culinary Arts, Class of July 2019

Our first term as Student Leaders

By Patrick Gendaszek, Mercy Tolbert, and Stephanie Sinclair

From left to right: Stephanie Sinclair, Patrick Gendaszek, and Mercy Tolbert

Looking back on my first term as a Student Leader, I think about all the excitement I had for things like Welcome Home (freshman move-in weekend) and the group work of making the schedule for our hours. Move-in weekend was a blur because there was always something to do and people to meet. It was nice to be able to tell the new students who we are and that we are here to help. The Q&A session we hosted was great for being able to pass on the little tips for college life I had learned over the course of my associate degree.

After that, we had the first team meeting and made the schedule for our hours for the next ten weeks. I got one night in Operations and two shifts in the Library. Operations would not be much of a change for me, as I had just done two or more nights a week for the last fifty weeks. But, the Library was the thing I wasn’t sure about, as I had spent many a night and break there typing papers, much like I still do with papers and blogs to this day. Having never been the one on the other side of the desk, I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy it. Turns out I loved it! It was a chance to meet new people and build a relationship with students I may otherwise never get to meet.

This is me looking back on my first term as a retrospective so that you can better understand the pride and importance that I, Patrick Gendaszek, as well as Stephanie Sinclair and Mercy Tolbert take in the new positions we find ourselves in.

-Patrick Gendaszek, Student Leader

Restaurant Management, Class of March 2019

The past five weeks of being a Student Leader have brought many lessons and experiences that I never expected. First off, having the opportunity to be a Student Leader is such a blessing and I’m very grateful for it. It assured me that my hard work is paying off, but I know that I still have more work to do. My Student Leader hours have consisted of only working in the back of the house in the restaurant on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. It was a great interest of mine to work with plating the desserts for the restaurant and I’ve been having a blast. I realized that my job is pretty important, because the plates that I put out are basically the last impression of each person’s dinner, so they have to look nice. With this in mind, I make sure to send out only desserts that are up to par and meet the standards that everyone expects.

Aside from my Student Leader hours, I’ve found that I am starting to build relationships with my fellow Student Leaders. I think we have a great group of people with great ideas and different skills and experiences. So far, we work together very well, and I can’t wait for the projects and events we’ll complete in the future.

I am really starting to get a feel for what to expect in the real world once I finish college. If I can go to my classes at the beginning of the week and then work and do my Student Leader hours at the end of the week, then I can certainly handle whatever life throws at me. It really is a lot to juggle, but it’s not at all impossible. Hard work, determination, and passion really are the keys to success, and being a Student Leader is helping me to learn how to apply them to my everyday life.

-Mercy Tolbert, Student Leader

Pastry Arts, Class of July 2019

My first term as a Student Leader has been a balance of teaching and learning from a unique perspective. I knew that I had gained a lot of knowledge from the associate program to be able to assist the students, but I did not realize how much I would be able to help out, especially during Restaurant Operations. Just last term, I was doing exactly what they had to do, like making drinks at the bar, polishing dishes in the kitchen, and running food to tables. After six terms of practicing and perfecting these tasks, I knew how much detail went into each one. In addition, I knew how boring it could be when there were no customers in the restaurant and everyone just had to wait for something to do. As a Student Leader, I have really tried to defeat that boredom by helping students perfect their knowledge of the Front of House so they understand how and why it is important to their field of study. Aside from teaching, I have also grown by learning from my instructors and the upperclassmen. Pat, my fellow Student Leader and mentor, has been encouraging me to speak up and be loud, despite my quiet nature. We are only halfway through the term, but I have noticed myself becoming vocal in situations where I would usually keep to myself. I have also found that my instructors have really been taking the time to show me things that they know will benefit me as a student and as a future manager. There is a lot of responsibility, time, and patience that goes into being a Student Leader, but I am very happy to be giving back to the other students and continuing to grow as a student myself.

-Stephanie Sinclair, Student Leader

Restaurant Management, Class of July 2019

Our industry inspiration

By Kim Stefanelli, Kierstin Jester, and Caitlin Hedrich

From left to right: Caitlin Hedrich, Kim Stefanelli, and Kierstin Jester

Since I was young, I’ve always been glued to the TV watching Food Network. At first, I would always watch with my mom, who then decided to start trying to recreate the things she saw on TV. I remember being on my tippy toes watching her in awe as she would make either her famous red velvet cupcakes or even decedent brownies. My mother always put so much love and time into whatever she did. She would make things and always ask me how they turned out.  As I got older, I began to help my mom in the kitchen. In grade school, if there was a party, I would always volunteer to make the pastries because it always made me happy to see everyone else enjoy what I made. As I grew into a young adult, it hit me that I wanted to make people happy with what I made, just like my mother had done for me. My mother is my inspiration for everything I do. She is my rock, and without her, I don’t know if I would have such a passion as I do now.

-Kierstin Jester, Student Leader

Pastry Arts, Class of July 2019


I grew up in the kitchen, and I think I always knew I was destined to have a career in the food industry. I would stand on a stool beside my grandmother as I watched her prepare the dishes that molded my childhood. I remember my mother making all my meals as a child, and when I look back on those times, I can still feel the love that she put into everything she made for me. It is the love and the memories that inspire me every day. I want to take the love that was given to me and put it into everything I make in hopes that the person who eats what I create can feel the love as well. Even in the times that I feel discouraged, I take a minute and remember why I love what I do and the people who inspire me. If there is one piece of advice that I could give, it is that when you feel discouraged or question your abilities, remember why you wanted it in the first place.

-Caitlin Hedrich, Student Leader

Pastry Arts, Class of July 2019


Similar to Kierstin and Caitlin, I too grew up cooking and baking with my mom and dad.  My dad is still to this day one of the best cooks I know, and my mom is an amazing baker. I would sit at the kitchen counter, watching both of them work with ease. They’d come home from work and go to the kitchen because it would relax them from the busy days they just had. The more I watched, the more I learned, and eventually, I began helping out. I knew baking was a passion at a very young age, and I knew it was what I wanted to do. I began baking little things for classmates and friends, and seeing the smiles on their faces after they ate began a whole new inspiration. It was the greatest feeling in the world hearing someone say the food I made was delicious. My passion for the industry started with my parents, but my inspiration came from seeing others happy. There is a lot of negativity in the world, but food is one thing that brings people together and makes everyone happy. This industry is a selfless industry. We bend over backward to make others smile—and I love every second of it.

-Kim Stefanelli, Student Leader

Pastry Arts, Class of July 2018

Where we come from

As Walnut Hill College (sadly) prepares to say goodbye to another group of graduates this March, some of our Student Leaders take a moment to reflect on why they chose to study and work in the foodservice and hospitality industry and what (thankfully) led them here.

By Steven Benton, Victoria Green, and Morgan Getler

From left to right: Victoria Green, Steven Benton, and Morgan Getler

Walnut Hill College is a wonderful college that provides so much knowledge throughout both the hands-on and lecture courses. When I started here as a freshman, I had a slight background in the pastry industry from my vocational high school and previous jobs. Considering I already had four years of experience in the pastry field, I came to the college thinking, “How much more could I really learn?” It ended up being very flawed thinking on my part, as I learned way more in my first two terms as a freshman than I did throughout my four years in the industry. I have gained so many skills, from hospitality and communication to actual knife skills and kitchen terms. As a result of the knowledge gained from the program up to this point, I am currently an assistant pastry chef at Wishbone, a small restaurant where I have full control of the Pastry Department when I am there. Walnut Hill College has rapidly broadened my understanding of the kitchen and how it works, and I find myself updating my resume constantly. This college has gotten me so far and I can’t wait to see how much farther I will go because of it.

-Victoria Green, Student Leader

Pastry Arts, Class of July 2019


When I interviewed for my current job, I had just finished orientation to begin my first freshman term at Walnut Hill College. I spoke to the current food and beverage director, and he inquired about my schooling and the content I was learning. When I explained the courses I was enrolled to take, he seemed very impressed. After I was hired, he took on the general manager position and continued to follow up with my progress in college, always helping me in areas I struggled in and giving me real-life, hands-on applications. The food and beverage position is still open, and now that my boss has seen what I have learned and where I am going in my career, he has made it known to me that I am being considered for the spot. Throughout my time here I have moved up in the company, all thanks to the education I have received at Walnut Hill College. Had I not learned fine dining etiquette and cost control, I would not be successful in both the banquet section and bar section of the establishment. I am excited to continue to move up in the company, and thanks to my schooling, many doors have been opened. From starting as a server in the bar and banquet to moving up to floor manager and banquet captain/wedding concierge, I have no one but Walnut Hill College to thank.

-Morgan Getler, Student Leader

Restaurant Management, Class of July 2019


I started off my journey in the hospitality field in ninth grade, when I was able to pick Culinary Arts as my technical shop. I learned as much as possible under the direction of Chef Colin Marsh and I worked in the back of house at a brewery for three years as a line cook. In the twelfth grade, I was looking for colleges and I found Walnut Hill College. Truthfully, I didn’t know which major to go into, but as I visited the college I met Professor Simonis, and he inspired me to pursue Restaurant Management. He taught me so much as I went through my associate degree in Restaurant Management. I owe it to Professor Simonis for helping me to choose my major. I try my best to absorb as much information out of every opportunity I get from the college, and as I begin my final terms here at Walnut Hill College, I can’t help but think about where I came from…

-Steven Benton, Student Leader

Restaurant Management, Class of July 2018

Finding a mentor

By Jasmine Harmon

This school year is quickly coming to an end, with students from all over going back home to family and to work at their new or annual summer jobs. Walnut Hill College is closing for the summer as of July 1, 2017, and many of the students will be working to save up money to pay bills, to have casual spending money for summer trips, and for upcoming school trips to the Bahamas and France. But, should working be just clocking in and out of work daily to earn money? No! Working should also be about improving yourself, learning more about your job, and learning more about the career field you are interested in. One good way to do that would be by finding yourself a professional mentor.

Mentoring is a term generally used to describe a relationship between a less experienced individual, called a mentee or protégé, and a more experienced individual known as a mentor. The length of the relationship between a mentor and mentee can vary based on the circumstances, but, no matter the length, the mentee is always trying to learn as much as they can from their mentor. One of the hardest things about the mentor-mentee relationship is actually finding a mentor. Kerry Hannon, an article contributor for the Forbes business magazine, wrote an article on 12 different ways that you can find a mentor, and three of the most helpful tips, I would say, are 1) ask yourself what you want in a mentor, 2) steer clear of the formal request, and 3) listen.

Before you say “I want a mentor” and go out looking for the first person who says they will be your mentor, you should first stop and analyze what kind of professional mentor you want and need. You can start by looking at yourself and figuring out what you need to work on and want to learn. Perhaps you need to pick up your speed in the kitchen. To learn a skill like that, you may ask the fastest or most seasoned chef in the kitchen to teach you their organizational habits for the kitchen and have them train you so that those same organizational habits become your own. Figuring out the kind of mentor you need will save you so much more time when it comes to selecting a mentor because of how detailed your needs are.

When you figure out who you want your mentor to be, sometimes it is better just to let the mentor-mentee relationship happen on its own instead of plainly asking someone “Hey, will you be my mentor?” The forceful action of asking someone if they would be your mentor can sometimes throw people off and may deter them from getting involved. In many cases a mentor can be found in your everyday life. For example, many teachers may start to teach interested students about topics that aren’t thoroughly covered in class. As the student shows constant interest in the topic, the teacher will continue to go out of their way to teach the student, creating a strong mentor-mentee relationship. Other ways that an unofficial mentor relationship may happen is in sports and/or group activities when someone very trained in a specific sport trains a younger, inexperienced member how to perfect the game or activity. Every opportunity to find a mentor is unique and may call for a more direct or indirect method, but it is up to you to choose which one works best.

Listening is a very important skill that everyone should have. It benefits us every day, even if we don’t believe so. Great learning opportunities happen when you observe and listen to others. For example, if you have a mentor who is willing to teach you everything they know, but you constantly interrupt their teaching sessions with useless information and don’t pay attention to the lessons they give, you may have just missed an important lesson and are wasting your mentor’s time. Paying good attention so that you know when to listen and when to get off topic benefits you and helps out your mentor at the same time.

So, if you are going to be working this summer, why not change up your routine and find a mentor near you to guide you on a topic that you are really interested in? Not only will you learn from the experience, but it is a good way to make friends and build lasting work relationships.

-Jasmine Harmon, Student Leader
Restaurant Management, Class of July 2018


By Matthew Cowles

For those of us who enjoy cheese and simply will not settle for that yellow brick of cheddar that has never been aged, it is hard to satisfy that craving. Going to Whole foods or Di Bruno Brothers can get expensive after a while. I mean, after all, who can afford $40.00 for a pound cheese every week; certainly not I. Which brings me to my point: why not make it yourself? Here at Walnut Hill College during the bachelor program, you get a taste of this wonderful activity. For the first half of Canning and Jarring class, which has merged with Cheese Making class, you will get to make a number of cheeses yourself. You will find that it is not as hard as it may seem; in fact, it is very practical.

Having learned from that class, I have decided to spend my summer further teaching myself how to make and age cheeses on my own. I encourage anyone interested in cheese to try this out if you have the time–you will not be disappointed. The list of materials needed for this is actually quite small. You will need a cheese press, which runs for about $150 on Amazon, a wine fridge for aging your cheese, as well as citric acid, direct-set mesophilic starter, direct-set thermophilic starter, rennet, stainless steel bowls, a thermometer, and a mold for hard cheeses. Of course, you do not need all of these cultures for cheese, but with this, you will be able to make anything from ricotta to manchego or the ever so delightful drunken goat, with the addition of red wine, that is.

When working with cheese, it is imperative that sanitation is always on your mind. You must wash and sanitize everything before use, including the sauce pot that will be used to heat up your milk product. Nobody likes floaties and specks of old, burnt food in their cheese. If that happens, you could end up making a blue cheese that isn’t supposed to be blue or even give an off-color or an astringent-like flavor to your cheese.

When looking for recipes, I have found cheesemaking.com to be one of the best to go to for ideas and new cheeses to try. This summer, I will be making drunken goat, manchego, and aged tomme cheese. When aging cheeses, you will need a wine fridge so that you can set the correct temperature for the process, humidity, and temperature, all of which play a huge role in this step. During the aging process, it is typical for a cheese to dry out and even develop a hard rind. To prevent this, you can coat the cheese with a high-quality olive oil or even dip the cheese into cheese wax, which will help to protect it from the air.

With this, you are ready to begin your journey. Go on and grab a friend or a family member and bond over some cheese. Although it can be a lengthy process, it is very rewarding in both flavor and memories. The biggest reward, however, is the money you save. This cheese will last longer–and taste better–and less goes a long way in this case. So smile and say “cheese!”

-Matthew Cowles, Student Leader
Culinary Arts, Class of July 2018

Restaurant Management

By Michelle Montiel

Most of us attending Walnut Hill College are striving to succeed in a career in the hospitality industry. Working long shifts, in particular on weekends, we’ve learned to prioritize and meet the satisfaction of our guests, working to the best of our ability to accommodate their needs. As a student majoring in Restaurant Management, I’ve learned that service is a critical factor in helping customers to decide whether they had an exceptional experience, which will determine their judgment and the chances of them returning. However, it is very important to be a leader and role model as a manager in order to create an environment that encourages your wait staff to boost their morale and provide the unforgettable service your guest deserves.

As mentioned earlier, it is very important to be a role model, the reason being that this industry is filled with many employees who may have little experience or even be in their first job. Therefore, it is critical to lead by example and teach them how to cope with the high-stress environment of customer service, which can be challenging but highly appreciated. Proper training also plays a huge role when hiring new employees and making sure your overall staff is capable of aiming for a high performance. Taking the time to train a new employee thoroughly leads to higher employee retention and increased productivity. Listening can set the standard for making employees feel respected. Constantly being involved, talking with individual employees, asking questions, and soliciting ideas are ways to show that their work and opinions are valued. Last, but not least, rewarding exceptional service is key. Recognizing a job well done and showing appreciation for your employees’ hard work can go a long way toward raising morale among staff.

All of these tips and suggestions are very important to succeed in the restaurant industry, allowing you to begin with a positive wait staff that is eager to provide excellent service. As students at Walnut Hill College, we learn effective tactics that will allow us to obtain–and handle successfully–managerial positions, thereby growing and expanding our knowledge within the foodservice and hospitality industry.

-Michelle Montiel, Student Leader
Restaurant Management, Class of July 2018

Life hacks for culinary and hospitality students

By Cecelia Johnson-Chavis

Here are a few tips gathered from some of the Walnut Hill College community to make life a little easier!

1) Mixing bowls stuck together? There’s no sense in trying to pry them open with all of your strength. Instead, wedge one side of a pair of metal tongs between them. With a little pressure, they should separate easily.

2) Commuting with a uniform can be challenging. Keep ironed aprons or shirts pressed between your books or laptop to keep them from getting wrinkled in your backpack.

3) When measuring small amounts, instead of a huge bowl, use a plastic bowl scraper as a vessel. It will save space and be more precise.

4) Invest in ice cream or cookie scoops for fast and even portioning. Whether you’re making sweet or savory foods, they come in handy.

5) Peeling ginger? Don’t waste your time with a vegetable peeler. A metal spoon works just as well and much faster.

6) Suddenly have the hiccups while serving? Spare yourself from a potentially embarrassing moment and swallow a packet of sugar.

Cecelia Johnson-Chavis, Student Leader
Culinary Arts, Class of March 2018

Keeping calm in the kitchen

By Kim Stefanelli

From working the line on a busy Saturday night, to opening up and prepping for brunch on a crowded Sunday morning, the kitchen never slows down for anyone. It’s easy to get stuck in a whirlwind when the high speed of the kitchen is all around you. There are always so many factors that can slip you up, but it’s important to stay on your toes and be ready for whatever your shift throws at you. The restaurant industry is an always-changing environment, hopping from one thing to the next. From new plating ideas to new techniques, you never know what to expect from the day ahead, so you have to stay prepared for the seemingly impossible. The industry can be hard to handle sometimes, given the demanding nature of working in restaurants, bakeries, hotels, etc. No matter the job, I guarantee there is no day that will be completely stress-free. So I’m here to share some helpful tips for when you feel yourself getting stressed out, because I know we’ve all been there.

1) Take a breath. If you need some air after a stressful night on the line, let your chef know and I’m positive they’ll be okay with it.

2) Mistakes happen. If you mess up a plate or “mise out” a recipe incorrectly, start over and don’t let it ruin the rest of your shift.

3) Keep a positive attitude. It can get very tense in the kitchen, but if you keep a smile on your face and brush things off, nothing can bother you.

4) Remember your passion for the industry. When things get tough, just remember why you’re there: because you love it.

Being in college while working in the industry has been crazy, but it has taught me so much and I’m forever grateful for the experiences. It teaches you how to have control over your life, how to handle multiple responsibilities at once, and, mainly, how to work efficiently. The hospitality industry is one of the most stressful fields in which to work, but it’s all worth it. You’ve got this!

Kim Stefanelli, Student Leader
Pastry Arts, Class of July 2018

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