Residence Halls Close at 12:00pm

Last Day of Classes

Classes Resume

Residence Halls Open at 10:00am

Thanksgiving Break

Walnut Hill College wishes you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving! No classes are in session during this period. Residence Halls reopen @ 10:00am on Sunday, November 27. Classes resume on Monday, November 28. The Pastry Shop resumes service on Monday, November 28; the Restaurants reopen on Thursday, December 1 […]

How to create a Restaurant grade menu €¦

By Kevin Ellul Creating a menu takes a lot of time and thought as you need to be creative, articulate, and generally simplistic. Saying this, your customers should be able to read your menu with no problem; articulating vocabulary to the simplest form for better understanding. Throughout this article, I […]

Beaujolais Nouveau Dinner

Beaujolais nouveau is a red wine made from Gamay grapes produced in the Beaujolais region of France. It is the most popular vin de primeur, fermented for just a few weeks before being released for sale on the third Thursday of November. Join Walnut Hill College in celebrating “Beaujolais Nouveau […]

Think Outside the Line: Cooking is more than just the restaurant scene

By Kristine Alfes Every time I go out, meeting either family, new friends, or talking to anyone else outside of school, I get asked the same question constantly: €œwhat restaurant are you working at now? € It becomes awkward when I have to correct them and say that I €™m […]

A Service Professional

By Daniel Singer If you have ever been a student here at Walnut hill College, you have or will have our Restaurant Operations class (unless of course, you €™re a pastry student). This is the class where the Management and Culinary students cross train in the student run restaurants in […]

It €™s Time for Freshmen Showcase!

By Tyler Fortna So it €™s that time of year again when all the new freshman have the chance to showcase their talents in front of their family, friends, and prospective students. There is a lot of talk in the hallways and the kitchens about you guys being nervous and […]