All Term 2 Classes Begin

Your Voice, Your Vote 2019!

National Hot Sauce Day

Disney Themed “Would you Rather”

Disney Monday Movie Night

Don’t Forget to Fall Back!Daylight Savings Time.

Dia de los Muertos

Winterize Your Dorm

Under the weather? Get well soon with Grandma’s Chicken Soup.

Hey, everyone! I hope you’ve been keeping healthy during this season of head colds and stomach bugs. I personally came down with a head cold, and it was a nuisance to get over. Whenever I get sick, it feels like a wrench has been thrown into the multi-part machine that […]

Good Cheese and Fine Wine

Hey, everyone! This week, I wanted to do something similar to the last post. I am a huge believer that wine and cheese have this magical, soul-healing power when paired together. Maybe that’s just me! Anyway, this past summer, my friend Zach invited me over to his dad’s house to […]