Freshman Showcase October 2018: Advice for the first-term freshmen

Oct 17, 2018Student Leadership Development Institute

By Mercy Tolbert, Omar Diaz, Kierstin Jester, and Victoria Green

I remember my Freshman Showcase very well, as it was a special and fun day. Not only did it happen to be on my 19th birthday, but I got to interact with my peers and chefs, and it was so much fun showing my family around. When our chefs and instructors told us about Freshman Showcase and we started preparing for it, I had no idea what to expect or what we were really preparing for. I kind of wish I had talked to an upperclassman about what exactly Freshman Showcase was, so that’s why Omar, Kierstin, Vicky, and I are here: to help you prepare for and know what to expect from your upcoming Freshman Showcase!

One of the first tips I can give you is to be on time. If you haven’t already, you’ll soon see that just like your classes and the rest of your life, nothing happens until you show up (on time) and apply yourself. Another tip for you guys is to make sure that your uniform is clean, neat, complete, and pressed. Your appearance is always important, but on this night, your family will be there to see what you’ve been up to at Walnut Hill College, and they’ll most likely want to take your picture. Speaking of family, at some point during the night, you’ll be allowed to leave your stations to escort your family around. This is definitely the fun part, but remember not to be gone too long. You’ll most likely be taking shifts or turns with other students who are at the same station, and they’ll want to be with their families as well. Be considerate of them. My last tip for you is to take advantage of whatever learning opportunities are presented to you on this night. For example, if you’re put in kitchen #3 with bread and you haven’t yet baked bread or been on the bread station, pay attention. You’ll learn something that you can use in Production class.

I almost forgot one more tip…HAVE FUN! Freshman Showcase happens only once, so have a great time and remember it.

Mercy Tolbert, Student Leader

Pastry Arts, Graduating Class of July 2019


Hello all. With Freshman Showcase coming up, some of you might be slightly stressing over what to expect. There is no need for that. Freshman Showcase is going to be a couple of hours in one night to show and prove to your loved ones and friends how much you have accomplished since you started college back in August. Each of you is going to be assigned to a station to work, relatively pertaining to you major, while your invited guests parade through campus. So here’s some advice…GET SOME REST, because it’s going to be a long night! Just like what happened to me, most of you are going to have to go in early in the morning for Production or Market Production and have class afterward, so get some rest where you can fit it. Next, if you can avoid it, don’t bother bringing your full toolkit. A bare minimum is all you will need. And last, I know you will get excited showing your family and friends around campus. Just do your colleagues a favor and don’t be that guy or gal who gets released to show your guests around and shows back up two hours later or never at all. While the night is about you, it’s not only about you. Be a good person and keep your fellow classmates in mind.

Omar Diaz, Student Leader

Pastry Arts, Graduating Class of March 2020


While the days are creeping up on you, you’ll probably see that your Freshman Showcase is coming up. You’re probably filled with nerves and are wondering what you’ll actually be doing. I’m here to tell you that the showcase isn’t as scary as it might sound. It’s a fun event where your family comes to see the work and progress you have made thus far. Each kitchen is a themed room, and it’s essentially like traveling around the world. Every room is filled with different foods and treats, leaving your family wanting to continue through. Freshman Showcase is supposed to be a fun time, and, in my opinion, it is. I have even volunteered the past two years to help out. You should come wearing a clean uniform and just prepare to have a good time. If you’re Pastry for example, you’ll be in kitchen #2 or #3 helping out with cookies or bread or even chocolate in the finishing room. Management students are mainly in the courtyard doing the really cool bananas foster demo, which is amazing, if I might add. The Culinary kids are going to spread out in the other kitchens, providing their families with sushi, pasta, dumplings, and so much more. If you’re scared about having a ton of people view you, don’t be because they’ll all be there to see the great job that you have been doing!

Kierstin Jester, Student Leader

Pastry Arts, Graduating Class of July 2019


It’s just about that time everyone: Freshman Showcase! It’s the time for all of you new freshmen to show off your newly-learned skills and display what you have learned in this last term! I’m sure a lot of you remember touring the school during one of our showcases, and this may have helped you make your decision about becoming a student here at Walnut Hill College. Now, it’s your turn to be on the other side to impress not only your friends and family but also potential incoming students. At that time, you will be working in a specific area that has to do with your major, whether it be making and serving bread, greeting people on their way in, or cooking it up with the chefs during a demo. During the day, it may seem a bit nerve wracking, but just remember that even though you are working, this day is about you, too! Have fun, take a break after asking your instructor, and walk around with your family. This day isn’t just for the guests to enjoy, but for you to enjoy as well. I can’t wait to see the turn out. Good luck!

Victoria Green, Student Leader

Pastry Arts, Graduating Class of July 2019

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