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Under the weather? Get well soon with Grandma’s Chicken Soup.

Hey, everyone! I hope you’ve been keeping healthy during this season of head colds and stomach bugs. I personally came down with a head cold, and it was a nuisance to get over. Whenever I get sick, it feels like a wrench has been thrown into the multi-part machine that […]

Good Cheese and Fine Wine

Hey, everyone! This week, I wanted to do something similar to the last post. I am a huge believer that wine and cheese have this magical, soul-healing power when paired together. Maybe that’s just me! Anyway, this past summer, my friend Zach invited me over to his dad’s house to […]

Jon Sauerwald

Jon graduated from West Chester University with a focus on history and biology and a minor in education. Before switching over to restaurants, he worked as a high school teacher and curated at a local museum. Jon has worked in the Philadelphia restaurant scene for over 15 years in both […]

Make your own cheese at home!

Hey, everybody! This week, I wanted to try something new with the blog posts. Summer was very eventful in the kitchen for me, and I learned a lot about pastry as well as some other tasty things. One thing that I had been planning for a while was to go […]

Edible Bug Tasting

Zombie Prom

Disney Club Meeting

Spice Club

Sports Club Meeting