Meditation Club

Healthy Baking and Cooking Club: Gluten Free Pastries

Harry Potter Night in DAW

Make & Take Apple Sauce Workshop

King of Prussia Mall Residential Trip

Eastern State Penitentiary Residential Learning Trip

Most Memorable Food Moment

    WHC Faculty Tell Us About Their Most Memorable Food Moment As you can imagine, working at a Culinary and Hospitality College has many perks. From the smell of buttery croissants that weaves it’s way up to my office (the Pastry Shop is right below) to the daily changing […]

Most Memorable Moment of Hospitality

    Walnut Hill College Faculty Tell Us About Their Most Memorable “Moment of Hospitality” At Walnut Hill College, we not only teach hospitality studies, but it’s also one of our core values and something we take very seriously. In fact, one of the fundamental rules that ALL WHC must […]

How To Succeed At Remote Learning

Tips and Advice From an Experienced Remote Learner Greetings Walnut Hill College! With an unprecedented move to remote learning, many of us have been challenged to adjust to nontraditional classrooms and with that, we’ve had to adjust our approach to the way we learn. I’m here to tell you that […]

Tips From A Food Stylist

Philly-based writer, food stylist, and current WHC student answers your pressing questions about food photography. Taking photos of your food seems easy enough, right? You point your fancy phone and snap away, sometimes, you even use fancy filters. But, do your photos look like the ones shown above? My guess is […]