Beaujolais Nouveau Dinner

Beaujolais nouveau is a red wine made from Gamay grapes produced in the Beaujolais region of France. It is the most popular vin de primeur, fermented for just a few weeks before being released for sale on the third Thursday of November. Join Walnut Hill College in celebrating “Beaujolais Nouveau […]

Think Outside the Line: Cooking is more than just the restaurant scene

By Kristine Alfes Every time I go out, meeting either family, new friends, or talking to anyone else outside of school, I get asked the same question constantly: €œwhat restaurant are you working at now? € It becomes awkward when I have to correct them and say that I €™m […]

A Service Professional

By Daniel Singer If you have ever been a student here at Walnut hill College, you have or will have our Restaurant Operations class (unless of course, you €™re a pastry student). This is the class where the Management and Culinary students cross train in the student run restaurants in […]

It €™s Time for Freshmen Showcase!

By Tyler Fortna So it €™s that time of year again when all the new freshman have the chance to showcase their talents in front of their family, friends, and prospective students. There is a lot of talk in the hallways and the kitchens about you guys being nervous and […]

How to Make the Most of the End of the Term

By Cecelia Johnson-Chavis Shake up your routine At such a small college, it can feel like you €™ve seen what there is to see, but we €™ve got quite a lot going on here. Boredom can lead to stagnation, so it €™s sometimes best to shake up the routine! If […]

Finding Your Passion

By Greg Hook It €™s week 4 and now we have a full load and the grumblings of the day to day struggles sometimes are tough €¦classes, homework, studying, papers, midterms, work later on tonight, and the squad wants to hang out. Whether you €™re a freshman starting or a […]

Tips for Success at the Career Fair on October 5th

by Thaddeus Meyers September is just about over and everyone €™s favorite month is almost here. That €™s right, October! We all know that October means our favorite and most useful event that our college has to offer is approaching quickly €¦the CAREER FAIR on October 5th! October 5th  Wednesday […]

Kristine Alfes

Kristine Alfes is an alumna of Walnut Hill College and the Student Leadership Development Institute. After receiving her A.S. in Culinary Arts in March 2016, Kristine went on to pursue her B.S. in Culinary Arts and graduated in July 2017. Along with being a student and Student Leader, she tutored […]

Thaddeus Meyers

Thaddeus graduated with an A.S. in Culinary Arts in July 2015 and completed his bachelor’s degree in February 2017. He developed a love of food at a very young age, as he spent summers cooking at family gatherings in North Wildwood, New Jersey. In 2013, he worked at Philadelphia’s premier […]

Kenan Rabah

All the way from a small village called Majdal Shams on the border between Syria, Israel, and Lebanon, Kenan made his way to the states in order to fulfill his dreams. The simple lifestyle of the village, good people, fields of apples and cherries, the smell of fresh bread and […]