Wine Challenge Dinner: Battle of the Bests

For more information and to register for this Wine Challenge Dinner, please  click  here. Please visit our  Community Education  page to learn more about the programs we offer to the public. All of our  classes  are purchased online through the Community Education section of the College Store.

Wine Challenge Dinner: Student Sommeliers

For more information and to register for this Wine Challenge Dinner, please  click  here. Please visit our  Community Education  page to learn more about the programs we offer to the public. All of our  classes  are purchased online through the Community Education section of the College Store.

WHC Flambé Day

Cinco de Mayo Celebration

National Grilled Cheese Day

World’s Smallest Hoagie Tasting

RL Sports Night

RL Dating Game Event

Karaoke: Mocktails and Wing Dings

A Home Away From Home

By Kimberly Stefanelli and Tyler Fortna Kimberly Stefanelli Walnut Hill College has become like a second home to me over the past two years. I’m so glad that I chose to get my education in Pastry Arts here, as I could not have picked a better college. My first time […]